Thursday, February 26, 2009

Indian Princess

My Father used to tell me the story of an Indian princess (I mean Native American, but in an attempt to revert to childhood Indian will suffice). Lady Timpanogos was her name. She was in love with a handsome Ute brave who valiantly went off to fight the enslaving Spanish. He was killed in battle, up against the black powder technology of the Spaniards. Deeply saddened by the news of her love's tragic death, Lady Timpanogos climbed to the highest peak above her home. Poised standing tall, with hands crossing her bossom, Lady Timp slowly fell backward off the top of the mountain to her eternal resting place.

Today, she can be seen laying where she fell, hands still crossed over her chest, peaceful and happy with her true love.

Today this story is still passed down to generations Utes and Ourays and even young Utahns. There are many different versions of the story as well, but I tend to like my childhood version.

The Ute Indians; of the Shoshone Indian linguistic stock, were originally divided into seven nomadic, and forest-dwelling tribes which lived on vast territory in Colorado and parts of Utah and northern New Mexico prior to he arrival of the European settlers; they were the Capote, the Mouache, the Parianucs, the Tabeguache, the Uintah, the Weeminuche, and the Yampa. Each tribe tells their own version of the story.

As a Utahn, we too have the duty to carry on the rich love for our heritage. Have you seen Lady Timpanogos as she lays in her slumber? I challenge you to climb her peaks, to breath in her crisp mountain air, to dwell with her local inhabitants of white fur and long scruffy beards (indigenous mountain goats), to swim in her cold cold glacier waters.

In the meantime, enjoy what Mt. Timpanogos has to offer here:

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Mountains and Politics Don't Mix

Did you listen to the President's address to congress? I did. Twice. I had to hear what he had to say in an encore presentation about our economy. Markets are literally avalanching taking no prisoners. Businesses are crumbling, investments are vanishing, and people are feeling the crushing power of the reality of it all. But this is not news to anyone.

Like a Phoenix from the fire, Obama tells us the economy will emerge stronger and changed. Adding words of reassurance, Obama said, "We will rebuild, we will recover, and the United States of America will emerge stronger than before."

I for one need a break from it all. I feel my head being bogged down below the inversion that seems to haunt us here every winter. I need to get up where the air is crisp; where time is slow; where the world is clearer.

Do the mountains care that Obama was addressing congress and the nation? I propose that they don't. Our woes are a blink in the timeline of the majestic beasts that look down upon our puny existence. "Ascend puny human. Climb to where the truth is truer. Join us in our crevaces and feel our strength. Feel our heartbeat as it thuds to the metronome of the slowly drifting clouds as they caress our tops." This is what I hear. This is what I feel.

I'm done now... I'm off my soap box. After all, mountains and politics don't mix.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Snowman Kits

Random thoughts usually are verbalized when you least expect it... I guess that's why they call them random. But for those who talk about their thoughts it all makes sense. Out of the mouths of babes, well she is a gorgeous woman after all. Last night my girlfriend says, "Why don' t they sell snowman kits?". I looked at her with an uplifted eyebrow and just smiled.

The conversation all started because I had come to bed late. In reply to her curiousity I began telling her that I had started a blog on our website and I was just looking at the new item that we now have for sale, the icecream ball. Her comprehension was tilted a bit, but maybe she was right. "Who would buy that?". I started to think. She started to think. Neither of us could see the balloons above each others' heads full of words. "Why don't you sell igloo kits? Do they make igloo kits?". I explained that they do, well not kits per se but molds and such to pack the snow just right... that's when it came.

Perhaps she is correct that no one would buy an icecream ball. Or so many other gadgets on the market. I do know that out there, in this vast sea of people we call the world populace, there is someone somewhere that sells a snowman kit.

P.S. If that person is you... contact us... we just may stock your product.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Spring is a comin'...

I sat on the throne tonight reading my only copy of Rock and Ice and was in awe at how many of the pictures were taken right here in my own backyard; Utah. Man if I had only been so wise in my younger days to have taken more advantage of what is offered right here in my home state.

Can I just say that Utah is full of hidden suprises, especially in the winter. That glorious frock of snow at the tip of Lone Peak that calls out on a Saturday morning as you sit with your steaming brew staring at the sun rising over Her supple peak. Or that all too familiar sound of crushing snow under the edge of your freshly waxed board as you take that first run down Doyle's Dive before anyone ruins the deep powder after a night-long snow. Or even the sweet smell of snow jammed in your nostrils that ended up there from the nasty spill off the rail. There's more... but you get the jist.

Spring will be here soon, snow will melt, shedding her white exoskeleton Mother Utah will give new hope, new opprotunities and new experiences. The rocks will call again, that 5.10 will be conquered this summer. This year a new adventure awaits... who knows, maybe this summer I will try paddle sports!

Right here in my backyard... what a trip!