Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Mountains and Politics Don't Mix

Did you listen to the President's address to congress? I did. Twice. I had to hear what he had to say in an encore presentation about our economy. Markets are literally avalanching taking no prisoners. Businesses are crumbling, investments are vanishing, and people are feeling the crushing power of the reality of it all. But this is not news to anyone.

Like a Phoenix from the fire, Obama tells us the economy will emerge stronger and changed. Adding words of reassurance, Obama said, "We will rebuild, we will recover, and the United States of America will emerge stronger than before."

I for one need a break from it all. I feel my head being bogged down below the inversion that seems to haunt us here every winter. I need to get up where the air is crisp; where time is slow; where the world is clearer.

Do the mountains care that Obama was addressing congress and the nation? I propose that they don't. Our woes are a blink in the timeline of the majestic beasts that look down upon our puny existence. "Ascend puny human. Climb to where the truth is truer. Join us in our crevaces and feel our strength. Feel our heartbeat as it thuds to the metronome of the slowly drifting clouds as they caress our tops." This is what I hear. This is what I feel.

I'm done now... I'm off my soap box. After all, mountains and politics don't mix.

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