Sunday, February 22, 2009

Spring is a comin'...

I sat on the throne tonight reading my only copy of Rock and Ice and was in awe at how many of the pictures were taken right here in my own backyard; Utah. Man if I had only been so wise in my younger days to have taken more advantage of what is offered right here in my home state.

Can I just say that Utah is full of hidden suprises, especially in the winter. That glorious frock of snow at the tip of Lone Peak that calls out on a Saturday morning as you sit with your steaming brew staring at the sun rising over Her supple peak. Or that all too familiar sound of crushing snow under the edge of your freshly waxed board as you take that first run down Doyle's Dive before anyone ruins the deep powder after a night-long snow. Or even the sweet smell of snow jammed in your nostrils that ended up there from the nasty spill off the rail. There's more... but you get the jist.

Spring will be here soon, snow will melt, shedding her white exoskeleton Mother Utah will give new hope, new opprotunities and new experiences. The rocks will call again, that 5.10 will be conquered this summer. This year a new adventure awaits... who knows, maybe this summer I will try paddle sports!

Right here in my backyard... what a trip!

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