Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Work, school, kids, bills, groceries, doctor's appointments... sheesh! Where does all the time go? And then daylight savings time hits. We lose more time. Time spent doing all the things that we don't want to do and then to have less of it, such a drag! We make plans in order to do the things we want to do. To run those couple of miles on the weekend, drive to the trail head to hike up into the canyons, or bike that hill that has been calling all week.

Truth is, we can make these priorities. Instead of looking at all these fun activities as something we do on the weekend, we can incorporate them into our daily routine. How long does it really take to run a few miles a day? Half hour to fourty-five minutes maybe? We spend that long snoozing the alarm sometimes. What about making a conscious effort to drive up to that trail head twice a week and hiking for an hour?
The things we really want to do should be the things that we do do! Make that priority change and at risk for being sued by Nike for stealing a phrase, JUST DO IT!

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