Sunday, March 15, 2009

Who Couldn't Use a Shot of B-12?

"Wanna run 12 miles this weekend?." A typical conversation at work. In the past it's been, "hey, do you wanna run 2 miles tonight?" Or, "let's go for a mile swim tonight." You see last year Team Can was formed. Three coworkers decided to see what the all the hype was about triathlons, well actually Carter knew very well what tri's had to offer, he'd already done a couple. We each took a strong suit and started to train for the Yuba Tri.

Carter being a strong biker became our shoe-in for the bike event. I was a strong swimmer in high school and throughout my life so I said I'd do the cold water. That left Mick as our runner. Long story short, we took first in the Olympic distance relay team event. We were hooked.
This year it's been training training training. We've all been doing what we can to get ready for the spring and summer races. The Salt Lake City Marathon, a couple of tri's, oh and the Sapper Joe. A 30K and 50K race this May. Dean Karnazes, Mr. Ultramarathon man, has written a few books. They play on audio book at work so that we can all share in the pain and anguish he describes on his 100 mile, 200 mile runs, and the 50 marathons he ran in 50 days. We all think about what it would be like to run a 100 miles in 24 hours.

So there we were... at work talking it up and it was on. 12 mile long run this Saturday. Mick coined it the Bountiful 12-miler... or the B-12! Quickly it became known as the First Annual B-12 race and invitations were made to all friends who have a hankerin' for runnin'.

It went off like clockwork. Those that turned out were treated to fruit and gatorade. We started off with a 3.5 mile loop to get warmed up and then headed off to the new parkway that parallels the Legacy Parkway. A great support group met runners with water and gatorade at spots along the race path providing a short rest for the racers.

All in all everyone finished in great time. Approximately 2 hours for just 12 miles... well almost. It seems that the course was just shy by 0.5 miles. But what a great feeling coming into that home stretch to finish a great run!

Thanks to those who put the B-12 together:
Mick and Tara Garrison
Jarin Andreasen and brother
Carter Dunn
Cori Fitts Bendixen
Shannen Barry- RosserJulie Christensen Warr
Lindsay Taylor

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