Saturday, April 18, 2009

Easter Camping!

Easter weekend, forecast of rain and possibly snow. The Zettler's headed out to Antelope Island for a weekend of fun-filled, egg hunting fun. White Rock campground was our destination, which is kind of funny since this is number 2 camping trip for the season and both have been to a different White Rock.

When we arrived Gabe and his troopers were already set up and ready and dinner was on the fire. It was only noon, but this trip we had the pleasure of having a real chef cooking dinner. Joey, a cousin of Gabe's had a chili verde on the fire as well as a made-from-scratch macaroni for the kids. When dinner time came around we were all hungry little wolves and we tore that awesome verde up! I recommend the recipe to everyone!
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Here it is for those who would like to find out how good it really was:

"Here is the general recipe and you can make it larger or smaller depending on how many people you have.
Sautee about six ozs. pork and a half a onion until browned. Add a touch of corn starch, a pinch of cumin and stir and add three roasted and diced Aneheim and a jalepeno (more if desired). Add enough water to cover meat. Simmer until pork is tender, usually two to four hours. Sautee onions and rice (already prepared) then add water, chicken base and tomato sauce. Simmer until cooked all the way through."

We ate until we could fit no more into our bellies! Then we all sat back and relaxed into the evening as the kids played and dug a large hole out in the open area near our campsite. On the horizon we could all see a nice storm headed our way. The front was closing on us fast so we started to ready the camp for rain. And rain it did.

For around 2 hours we all endured the cold misty rain, hovering under the canopy or hanging out in the tent until it let up. All except for one... Andrew. He ran around outside with his little face turned up and his tongue hanging out as he tried to catch the rain in his mouth! He got soaking wet.Antelope Island Easter 2009 089

The rain subsided and everyone gathered around the fire to dry out and get warm as they ate the warm S'mores. The night air became cool and as the fire died out we all retired to a warmer sleeping bag.

(On a side note, if you are ever camping at Antelope Island, make sure you camp at Bridger Bay and not at White Rock if you want to see a beautiful sunset. We drove over to Bridger because we knew from previous trips that the sunsets were beautiful on that side of the island).Antelope Island Easter 2009 127

The next morning the Easter Bunny came. Once all the kids were up and outside the hunt was on for the Golden Egg that the Easter Bunny had hid very well. All the youngsters swarmed the field looking for all the eggs filled with money, candy and toys. They had a great time and finally found the Golden Egg.
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Shortly after everyone was busy eating breakfast and then helping pack up camp. We had all decided to head over to the Bridger Bay beach and spend the rest of the gorgeous Easter day in the sand.

On the beach the kids played with the seagulls and dug more holes in the sand.

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We all walked to the edge of the Great Salt Lake and skipped stones and waded in the water. All except Andrew... he ran into the water, shoes on and all. That kid loves the water!
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A great trip and a great way to spend Easter. We all went home with sunburns and sand in our shorts!

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