Sunday, April 19, 2009

Marathon Mayhem!

Salt Lake City Marathon. April 18, 2009.

It was a cloudy morning, the sun had not yet peaked its weary eyes over the east mountains. It seemed all that was missing was wet asphalt and the smell of fresh ozone after a rain shower. Team Zurvival's members all gathered at the starting lines of the Salt Lake City Marathon's 5K event and Half Marathon. The gun fired and the masses moved in one large wave of bobbing heads down the road. Team Zurvival weaved in and out of the crowd, passing the walkers and the strollers. Each member strained to get to the front of the pack and eventually worked to first, second, third, and fourth place, effectively blocking out all other runners. Fast they ran, pulling ahead of all other contenders and soon the finish line was in sight! The crowds hovered close to the gates that separated the athletes from the fans. They rang bells, clapped loudly and yelled and screamed as all of Team Zurvival created a mult-color line; running in unison. A blurr of red, blue, pink, and gray broke the finish line in record time! The crowd grows wild with excitement as the announcer yells "WAY TO GO TEAM ZURVIVAL! A RECORD FINISH FOR THE 5K!".

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Ok... that's what could have happened. Here is the real story though. Team Zurvival did run the 5K event, and I did run the Half Marathon and we had a great time! But I can only account for what I ran as the rest of the team was miles away from me. I was running late as the Trax train wasn't there when I got to the station. I waited for the train and met up with a fellow B-12 runner who just happened to be there at the same time. Julie wasn't registered for the race, but was out supporting her friend (another B-12er) as a pacer. We were late already, and then the train had to stop and wait on the tracks making us almost 20 minutes behind. We arrived at Olympic bridge. Julie started off to find her friend (a herculean feat), and I headed to the starting mat to check in with my timing chip. I started down the road on the first mile and got into a good rhythm. At mile 2 I was starting to feel my heart rate raise and a small sweat start to bead. I was warm now and ready to run. Just before mile 3 I spotted Julie on the corner, "Have you seen her yet?" I hadn't and directed her down the road where I knew the runners would be and easy for her to head them off at.

I continued on hitting the first aid station at mile 3. Nature was calling, but I couldn't answer. I was going to break 2 hours this year, that was my goal, and that meant no stopping. The race turned downhill just past the mile marker and I lengthened my stride to take in the nice rest. Some people feel that the downhill on runs are hard on the knees, but I enjoy them. They give my calves a rest and my heart beat lowers giving me a boost at the bottom of the hill.

The split for the marathoners and half marathoners was on the horizon at the bottom of the hill and there was Julie again, sitting on the corner. Again she asked if I had seen Shannen yet. I hadn't. I told her where the runners would be coming back towards the finish line and she headed off to again head them off. Mile 5 was coming up and I was 43 minutes into the run, not quite my best time, especially if I was going to finish in my goal time. Another aid station, more Gatorade, another cliff shot, and I wasn't stopping. I was averaging just under 9 minute miles and I was in a good pace.

Mile 6, started to feel a little pain in my calves... blew it off. Mile 7, back is hurting... it's nothing. Mile 8, quads were tight, but on I went. Just 5 more to go I kept saying, just another 40 minutes. Mile 9 we were running through the neighborhoods of Salt Lake and the crowds were out in support of all the runners. Music, signs, and cheering people were keeping us all going hard. There were the select few that seemed to be taunting the runners though by cooking bacon on the sidewalk and yelling "Come and get it! Bacon! Get your bacon here!". Others were gathered on the corner in their bathrobes and beanies with a cup of joe scratching their scruff with a look of wonderment on their face as if they were thinking, "What are all these people doing? Are they crazy?".

At mile 10 I could feel the wall coming. I was slowing down a bit to 9:30 minute miles. I looked up from in front of me to scan the people I was still passing and there was Julie and Shannen! She had found her finally.


It was inspiring; I picked up the pace. Just a 5K to go! Mile 11 the wall hit hard. The smell of bacon was still in my nostrils, I was hurting all over trying to stay below 10 minute miles and there was a change to the course that I was NOT EXPECTING. A hill for mile 11 to 12! A slow, long hill all the way up State street towards the Capital building. It was cool to run downtown but this seemed UPtown! I was dying. I remembered the words that my friend once told me,"Just put one foot in front of the other dude." And that's what I did, all the way up the hill.

Last mile, I picked up the pace. I was 4 minutes away from 2 hours and I knew that I had failed to meet my goal, but I was going to go out strong. Running up the final last quarter mile I broke out into a dash and then a sprint as the crowds cheers raised up the strength within me.

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The finish line was just a few steps away. There were the other members of TEAM ZURVIVAL cheering me on! Taking pictures! Shouting and clapping! I was done! Yes! Time for a cup of coffee! and maybe some bacon? We all celebrated at Starbucks and dined on coffee candy and great hot steaming cups of joe. Another memory in the books for Zurvival! Congratulations to Lindsay & Andrew Taylor, Ettienne Butler, Kristin Vincent, Gabe & Brian Zettel, and Chris, Holly, & Tally Martineau. Team member Liz was missing in action, but we will catch her next time!

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2:05 was my final time. Next time I will break 2 hours. And next time maybe other team members will run with me. Team Zurvival would like to thank all those who supported us on our run and in our rund raising for Huntsman Cancer Foundation. We met our goal and had a great race thanks to all of you. Thanks to the B-12 running club for all your support as well and help with training. Now its on to the Sapper Joe in May! GO TEAM ZURVIVAL!

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